Lots of levels, and upgrades are attainable and change gameplay each time.
Lots of levels, and upgrades are attainable and change gameplay each time.
Okay, yeah, its repetitive. Yeah, not much story. Many great games were these things. Angry Birds, repetitive. Galcon, not much story, or any story to be honest. Both games, fun. This is arcade gaming at its finest. Sometimes you just want to jump into the fray and start shooting and this is where this game shines. The goal in each level is to get three biohazard symbols for each level and pick up gears to upgrade your weapons if they arent fully upgraded already. The way to get three biohazard symbols is kill streaks. The longer your kill streak the better you score. This encourages you to run into the middle of a gaggle of mutants and open fire. How sweet it is. The on-screen controls are the most fluid Ive ever used in an iPad game. The graphics and sound are perfect for this game. Great mood in each level. Im having so much fun playing this game I just gotta give it five stars. Im through most of the game now, six levels left in the Flux facility. Next Im going to play Space Marshals (very similar game with a tactical stealth element) and when Im done with that I think I might play this game again. Its just pure fun.
I purchased this game a few months ago expecting the game to work with my SteelSeries Controller but for some reason the game would not work. I thought that it was the controller so purchased the Mad Catz CTRLI but I had the same problem. I search the Internet for solutions and could not find any. Finally on a hunch I reset my iPhone and now the controllers work. This is a very fun game and the controls work perfectly.
1st off this game works great with my MogaRebel.!!! Feels just as good as an X-box game.! With that being said the, game runs smooth, looks great and is challenging as a live action play. 3rd person I must say! I must say, I love it.!
It is so epic I love it one of my favorite IPad games and you can blow mutants heads off its so cool its fun to shoot mutants which a variety of guns and powers and also its fun to burn them with a flame thrower shoot them with a machine gun or shotgun or minimum bazooka germane launcher and so on so get it if your looking for an epic game to pass the time that has insanely cool gameplay and also solve the mystery of the mutants
The only thing I find a challenge is the controls. Its hard to turn her around to shoot the aliens. But other that the game Awsome! Download it its fun! And the graphics are the best!
This is a really good shooter that is a lot of fun to play in the beginning but before long the lack of diversity starts to take its tole. There are only a handful of enemies which only increase in number not tactics or complexity, level designs also only get larger but no new elements are introduced and even though there are multiple buildings to play through the visual design of every level and every building is exactly the same. If they would introduce even a little more diversity it would make this game the go to iPad shooter.
I have been playing this game for quite a while now, and it is definitely one of my favorite games. The guns are cool, and the graphics are excellent. I love how the game doesnt force you to make in app purchases to progress. Please add more levels and make the maps less confusing to navigate. The newest batch of levels are extremely challenging. Please nerf the enemy that shoots a laser beam at you. That thing kills me super fast. Most importantly, please get rid of the spawning things with special abilities. It takes forever to kill those, and I always die several times in the process. Finally, I dont like how Im told to survive after killing all the enemies in a room; all of a sudden there are 30 monsters in that room surrounding me. Besides these three things the game is fantastic, and I highly recommend it.
Great game but needs the co-op update to keep it going.
And definitely worth the price.
Awesome game good graphics! The response for controls are perfect. Love all the options for weapons and armor. Only complaint is the special powers could be easier to use. Or have a grenade option. 10 out of 10 for me keep up the good work!
How does this not support the Nimbus controller. Its an extended controller and even listed on the site as supporting but does not work. Please fix
Crashes within seconds.
More people should play this
I loved this game but I think it needs more levels and an endless mode.
Pew pew pew!
This game is cool for the 1st hour or so , the gums arent so crazy expensive that u dont get a chance to upgrade or get different guns like other games, the game play is pretty cool , the graphics are nice , but it gets very very repetitive . All the levels look the same, no variation in the scene , same monsters, same layout of levels, . The game was only 1 dollar so I dont much regret buying it but anyone who only has a few dollars to spend for games I dont recommend this game at all... I doubt I will play it more and I plan to erase it from my decide.. ANOTHER DISAPOINTING GAME !!
This game Has just breath-taking graphics but the gameplay isnt all that great. Its the same thing over and over again but when you dont feel like playing it and you play it anyways you get sucked into it so I guess its ok. theres no story at all (it would be nice if there was) but still great game.the maps are exactly the same so your doing 100 missions on 1 map. its nearly impossible to get enough coins to get a good armor or weapon (I recommend the flame thrower) but at least the game isnt broken.this game isnt buggy at all and that adds points to my review.overall this game is great Ill give it a 4 star
Its the worst paid game
But I wish the armor would slow you down instead of speed you up. Like: Heavier armor: slower Lighter armor: Faster