This is arcade gaming at its finest. Sometimes you just want to jump into the fray and start shooting and this is where this game shines. The goal in each level is to get three bio-hazard symbols for each level and pick up gears to upgrade your weapons if they arent fully upgraded already. The way to get three bio-hazard symbols is kill streaks. The longer your kill streak the better you score. This encourages you to run into the middle of a gaggle of mutants and open fire. How sweet it is. The on-screen controls are the most fluid Ive ever used in an iPad game. The graphics and sound are perfect for this game. Great mood in each level. I had so much fun until... A new facility was added. The new levels are all timed levels. Whenever I am looking at new games to purchase I always check to see if it says "race against the clock" or "before time runs out." I hate those games. The reason being is that you always end up playing the same level repeatedly trying to cut down your time by fractions of a second. That isnt pleasurable gaming in my opinion and the last facility in this game is not, in my opinion, enjoyable. Its ruined my experience with the game. I have the strongest weapons and strongest armor. On the very first level I cannot get three bio-hazard symbols. The easiest level with the top weapons and armor and Im stuck. So I have to drop my rating.