Ne marche pas donc " give me back my monye"
Ne marche pas donc " give me back my monye"
Cant play..
The game seems pretty good, but i cant play it......
Fun to play. Many different weapons to unlock which are also upgradable. Beautiful light and shadow rendering. Just the mini map is broken but i guess they will fix that...
Amazing app. Must buy.
all lvls r the same.... come on its just bigger maps n its so dark i want to fall asleep!!!
Great game for twin stick fans. Nice and Polished. Yes a little dark. So far so good. Recommendable.
Great graphics and a very fun twin stick shooter.
This game is really boring, so repetitive, its crap. Too bad because Space Marshall by the same company was pretty good until they forgot to add the 3rd chapter...
Fun top down shooter. Quick levels keeps be coming back.
Crashes,crashes,crashes. Dont waste your money.
You know what would make me like this game 29373728 times more? If the movement controls only did forwards/backwards/strafe left/strafe right. Sometimes it feels like I get stuck in a bad spot too easily when running away from mobs.
Its not perticularly deep but its very well done and I had fun. Also the bolt tazer exists for everyone like myself who dislikes weapon cooldown. I also appreciated the nice touches of level design like the notes and lost cat posters.
Its a really fun game but it could use a more mission and new area also a survival would be nice and to make it really awesome co-op should be added but other then that really fun game.
The powers are pointless as they are virtually impossible to activate in the heat of battle. You guys need to create a new UI for that
Fun game. Is a bit repetitive but overall it delivers on graphics and weapons. Needs more buildings and levels. 3 is not enough way to quick to finish.
Graphics are great; you really start to get into the game after the first few levels. Once you get used to the controls it plays well. Definitely worth a look at.
Every level is just like the previous one, even the same place for each boring
That says it all Very repetitive Didnt even bother to try to get new weapons or armor